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Relationship matters in any human endeavor, and it is the building block on which any intimate information can be shared and which could bring about productivity and maturity in both sides. In a classroom where teaching-learning process takes place, there must be that effective and reliable 'cord' between the sender (tutor) and recipient (student) of the ideal information being passed across at every moment of delivery, otherwise, little or no message will be maximally managed for productivity. And if that happens, the best thing that can happen is the supposed recipient losing interest in the subject matter since he or she could not receive adequate information.
It appears very important therefore, for a student to carefully ensure there is no gap of interaction between him/her and the teacher of which could hinder the assimilation of concepts, if such student desires tangible and maximum result.

These are factors to consider if you as a student will desire to get along with your 'preferred' Subjects' Teachers:
 Be optimistic - You need to be on your toes of understanding the subject matter under whatever condition. And that should actually produce a self developed interest in the teacher however tough he/she might appear. Teachers determine to be who they appear to be before the students as their own strategy(ies) to be able to pass effective information and also to manage their classroom maximally, having presumed and settled with the fact that, they possibly might not be able to satisfy the entire students. It is therefore a self responsibility on the part of the student to determine an assertive ground of excellence academic achievement without minding the cost. Having determined to succeed, teachers in those areas of your interest (or related to your specified career) have to understand your need to be a friend with him/her. Teachers most often appreciate a very ready-to-learn-student. You can attract a very tough teacher by a self developed interest in his or her subject. The more committed you are towards a subject, the more knowledge of it you acquire.
 Understand his/her (your teacher's) principle: It is important to identify and study to maintain your teacher's dos and don'ts if you want the best from him/her. Your teacher has certain peculiarity that possibly makes him appear strict/different from other teachers. It is your responsibility to find out what those individual differences are and study to note them for correct classroom attitude. As an intelligent student who love to express his/her knowledge on whatever subject matter he/she had taken time to study hard, you might find it difficult with some teachers who are strict to their definite ideas of teaching. Teachers like that would always encourage download-and-upload method of answering questions. It shouldn't disturb you of why they would maintain that style, you only need to understand that, that is what they want when it comes to assessments. After all, they cannot stripe off the knowledge you have acquired through rigorous study. They only reduce your stress of thinking and only at point of delivery. Just know that for them.
 Enrich your study: Ability to learn beyond the scope of subjects' content is another advantage that create interest of you in your teachers. Meanwhile, you will not only gain the interest of your teachers; you are improving your know-how drastically. Enrichment is a program organized for the intellectually precocious individuals outside the classroom activities in order to keep them active; maximize their potential and reduce classroom boredom. For an average student, it could mean rigorous study that will enhance adequate knowledge of subject matter. You can also term it extra-curricular study which brings about widened understanding of concepts.
 Have confidence in yourself: It is good to be confident of what you know but don’t be over confident. If the teacher knows that you are very sure of what you know and not what you don’t know, such a teacher will trust you.
Be humble: Humility is one of the keys in acquiring knowledge from your teacher. An arrogant student cannot learn because he/she will always prove that he knows better than the teacher. Do not argue with your teacher if you want to get along with him or her. Find a sensible and humble way of correcting your teacher if he/she makes a mistake. No one knows it all. All teachers want to teach an understanding student. You should always do away with pride, don’t prove to your teachers that you know it all. By doing all these, you will see yourself being better than your teachers.
Be honest: Leaders love to work with a truthful follower. Let your teachers know you to be an honest fellow. If you are honest, you can win the heart of you teachers and colleague. In my findings, I have got the fact that 70% of students that are morally sound are also academically sound. Excellence in morals has to do with excellence in academic achievements.


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